
Attorney General William Barr has abandoned all pretense of independent law enforcement. While evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election is beyond dispute, Barr apparently believes "the FBI investigation into Russian collusion was in 'bad faith.'" Barr's decision to embrace delusional fringe conspiracy theories championed by Trump instead of the evidence-based conclusions of the independent inspector general is a serious blow to American justice.

From the moment Trump took office, he’s been a threat to our country’s rule of law. AG Barr has defended Trump, rather than the Constitution and the rule of law, every step of the way – dealing blow after blow to the Justice Department’s credibility.

I’m committed to upholding justice and ensuring this President is held accountable for every instance he’s tried to skirt around it. At this critical moment, as throughout my career, it’s your thoughts and concerns that guide my work. That’s why I’m looking for 1,594 concerned Americans to share their thoughts with me before midnight tonight. I’m counting on you to be one of them.

Click here to complete a quick survey and let me know what’s on your mind right now. Your responses will make sure I’m fighting for what matters most to you and your family.

Thanks so much for taking the time to share your priorities and concerns. I can’t tell you how helpful it is.


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