We've reached a moment of reckoning. After weeks of hearings, hours of expert witness testimony, and the hard work of activists like you, the House Judiciary Committee drafted, presented, and approved their articles of impeachment against Donald Trump, charging him with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. On Wednesday, December 18, the full House of Representatives is expected to vote on whether or not to impeach Trump. And the night before, Tuesday the 17, we're rallying across the country to make sure Congress knows where we stand. Our new video explains the articles of impeachment and how we got here. Make sure your friends and family know what's at stake by watching and sharing: When Trump demanded Ukraine publicly announce investigations into his political rival to help his re-election, he put the integrity of your elections at risk. When he tried to cover up what he had done, he put your democracy in danger. And when he put his own personal interests ahead of our country, Trump put himself before all of us, the very people he is supposed to serve. The bottom line: The House must vote to impeach Trump -- and the Senate must vote to convict and remove him from office. If our elected officials choose this moment to look the other way, they are sending a message that any person elected to the highest office in our country can break the law with impunity. That's not the America the Founding Fathers envisioned. It's not the America I envision for any of us. And it's not the America I want to leave to my children. Nobody is above the law. It's more important than ever that we deliver that message far and wide. Watch then share our video with your friends and family so they have the facts and understand why the House of Representatives must vote to impeach Trump this week. Thank you for all that you do. Sean Eldridge Founder and President, Stand Up America
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