If you want to vote before the August 23rd primary Election Day, get to the polls by 5 PM today!



Today is the LAST day to get to the polls early and ensure you can vote for Brittany for Congress! You can vote today from 9 AM - 5 PM OR on Election Day, August 23rd, from 6 AM - 9 PM. 

It can be confusing to make a voting plan, but luckily, we have tools to help. Click here to find out exactly where, how, and when to vote in a way that works best for you today or on August 23rd! 

Together, we have built a movement that is already turning out in droves to elect Brittany. But we need each and every one of you to commit to voting, and make sure your friends and family commit too, in order to overcome the powerful establishment behind our opponent.


We are on the cusp of making history right NOW, but we need to push harder than ever to cross the finish line strong! 


Don’t forget — taking just one minute to make your voting plan could be the difference between a new future for NY-11 and more of the same. 


So we’ll see you at the polls, JOHN!


In solidarity, 


Team Brittany







Brittany for the People
7504 5th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11209
United States