This week at the Iowa State Fair, the world was introduced to Albert, an Angus bull weighing in at 3,042 pounds. Big Al won the highly-coveted “Super Bull” title by eating almost 100 pounds of feed every single day.

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This week at the Iowa State Fair, the world was introduced to Albert, an Angus bull weighing in at 3,042 pounds. Big Al won the highly-coveted “Super Bull” title by eating almost 100 pounds of feed every single day.

But do you know what weighs even more than Albert, at 3,086 pounds? $1.4 million in one-dollar bills, which is the amount of money that Chuck Grassley has taken from the pharmaceutical industry.

I bet it’s pretty hard to stand up to Big Pharma with the weight of a 3,000 pound bull in your wallet. So maybe that’s why Chuck Grassley voted against lowering the cost of insulin to $35 a month and against allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices so seniors can stop having to cut pills in half just to survive.

But the fact that this week Grassley then misled voters by telling them that he actually DOES support it? That’s what I’d call a lot of bull

I’m running for Senate against Chuck Grassley because, like the rest of Iowa, I’ve grown weary of watching him do the bidding of corporations and special interests, instead of hardworking Iowans – and then dodging questions about it with DC doublespeak.

I’ve never taken a dime of corporate PAC money, and I won’t owe anyone any favors in Washington.

But with control of the Senate on the line, Mitch McConnell’s Super PACs and Fox “News” are coming after me with every mistruth they’ve got. The way to fight back and win is if grassroots donors like you chip in now.

Please, will you chip in $5 or more right now – whatever you can afford before our midnight fundraising deadline – to help me defeat Chuck Grassley, turn Iowa blue, and protect our Democratic Senate majority?

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Sorry for such a cheesy email… another thing you can find a lot of at the Iowa State Fair!

Thanks for everything you do to fuel this campaign,

Mike Franken, U.S. Navy (ret.)