Hi there, folks!

This is Sharla, Jon’s wife. We have been out in the field working this past month harvesting winter and spring wheat along with some barley. It's hard work but always a good day when we get to spend it together on the farm.

And finishing up the harvest isn't the only thing worth celebrating. Tomorrow is Jon’s birthday and I'm thankful that we will get to spend the day together.

When we aren't in the field or hauling grain, Jon's been meeting with Montanans across the state about the problems they’re facing, and working on solutions.

I know how hard he works to ensure Montanans have a strong voice sticking up for them in the U.S. Senate. I am really proud of him.

I want to do something to surprise Jon for his birthday because of how hard he’s been working for the state, both as a farmer and a Senator. And I think you can help me out:

Could you sign Jon’s digital birthday card? I want to show him how much support he has all over the country. There’s even a spot to write a personalized birthday message:

Jon and our entire family appreciate your support. It means a lot to us.

Take care,
