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BREAKING NEWS: State leaders just CANCELLED plans to open a concentration camp at Fort Sill!

This is because of our organizing. And we’re just getting started.

Donate to United We Dream Action today to help us continue organizing and get more actions on the books to stop more concentration camps from opening up across the country!

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Friend — I’ve said it before but it’s worth saying again and again: the power of our organizing can change lives. Nowhere was that more apparent than when last week we came together with resounding chants and booming drums marching towards the gates of Fort Sill to demand local and state leaders stand on the right side of history.

We joined together with Dream Action Oklahoma, Indigenous Environmental Network, Black Lives Matter, NACA-Inspired Schools Network, Tsuru for Solidarity, and so many more organizations doing amazing work locally to make our demands to #ClosetheCamps at Fort Sill to local and state officials.

And guess what, team? It WORKED!

Oklahoma Senator Inhofe announced that Fort Sill will never become a concentration camp for immigrants and people of color under attack from Trump’s Deportation Force. That’s your impact. That’s the impact of our organizing.

The spirit and energy of the movement that made this possible was captured in our new incredible video that you won’t want to miss:

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It takes a massive amount of resources to pull actions like these ones off. We mobilized members all the way from Texas, New Mexico and Colorado to the site, made sure everyone had water, prepped for weeks ahead of the action, and trained hundreds to be a part of the action.

But it was totally worth it, even in the scorching heat. Together, we brought national attention to the haunting history of the Fort Sill internment camp and to our demands that the camps be shut down immediately. We were trending online for a few hours bringing even more attention to our cause. And we made it clear we aren’t going to stop taking action while our communities are threatened.

Our victory at Fort Sill showed what this team is capable of — but it’s just the beginning.

In the coming weeks and months, we’re going to continue organizing and planning actions to raise our voices as loud as possible and put a STOP to the opening of more concentration camps.

Will you chip in $1, $5, or whatever you can afford towards our future work and actions just like the one last week in Oklahoma?

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Thanks to your contributions, we’ll be able to continue fighting against the racist and anti-immigrant attacks of Trump’s administration. If you can’t donate today, you can always invite your friends to join our fight by forwarding the sign up to join our next action below:

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Thanks for all you do.

Nestor at United We Dream Action

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