It's primary election season in New York!

Hey John,

We don't normally email you over the weekend but with the New York Primary Election just a few days away, I want to make sure you saw Basi's email about our upcoming text bank.

To help support the incredible New Americans running for office in New York, we are hosting a text bank tomorrow, August 21st to get out the vote! Will we see you there?

By volunteering with us, you will help make a difference in key New York primary elections and support New American candidates who stand with our communities. Whether you can join us for 20 minutes or the full two hours, we need you to join us! 

See you tomorrow,
Anne Flomenhaft
Manager of Political Programs
New American Leaders Action Fund

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Basi Alonso 
Date: Tue, Aug 16, 2022 
Subject: John, we need your help to text out the vote in New York!

Every 👏 Vote 👏 Counts 👏

With early voting underway and just 7 days left until the New York Primary Election, it’s time to get out the vote! If we want leaders in office who share our values and are in solidarity with our communities, then we need to take action and make sure New Americans turn out to vote in this important primary.

So what do you say, John? Will you join us in getting out the vote for New Americans on the ballot in New York?

Sign up for an upcoming Actionista Textbank now!

It's time to put democracy back in the hands of the people and elect visionary leaders like Kristen Gonzalez, David Alexis, Jeremy Joseph, and Jabari Brisport who will advocate for real change in New York and help influence the national narrative. By reaching out directly to voters, you will join us in motivating, educating, and reminding New York voters that their voices can make a difference for us all.

NALAF logo with photos of the NY endorsed candidates

Please join us on Thursday, August 18th or Sunday, August 21st to help us GOTV! 

And most importantly, if you live in New York, please don’t forget to vote on or before Tuesday, August 23rd (that's next week!)! Find your early voting polling location and make your plan to vote now.

Thanks for helping make a difference in this election and beyond. Together, we can accomplish amazing things.


In Solidarity,
Basi Alonso
Political Director
New American Leaders Action Fund

New American Leaders Action Fund (NALAF), a 501c(4), is building a democracy that represents and includes all people by supporting New Americans as they run for office, engage new voters, and expand civic engagement.
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© 2020 New American Leaders Action Fund