Craig Swartz is an Ohio native and former Upper Sandusky City Councilmember running for U.S. Congress for Ohio’s 5th District. Ready to bring Ohio back to a better future, Craig is resolved to unseat Bob Latta and advocate for workers, women, the LGBTQ+ community, students, and everyday Ohioans.

It’s been a long campaign, I’ll be honest. Every day, I’m working to unseat Bob Latta so NW Ohio can finally have an honest and pragmatic leader in Washington instead of more of the same.
Just like Keith said, I joined this race so I can help Ohio get back to a better future. That means we need someone in Congress who will advocate for women, students, working families, unions, and LGBTQ+ folks. And much like his buddy, Jim Jordan, Bob Latta clearly isn’t that guy.
It’s no secret that there is more than ever at stake this November. Latta’s shown us time and again that he’ll do what’s best for him and his GOP buddies, not the hard-working people in NW Ohio.

John, I’m so grateful to have your support. 

- Craig Swartz
---- Begin forwarded message ----
Sent: Mon. Aug 15, 2022 at 10:55 AM
From: Keith Mundy
Subject: What your contributions mean to Team Swartz
To: You


Team Swartz is working around the clock to unseat Bob Latta this November. I’ve got just two minutes to ask for your help.

We’re behind on our August fundraising goal. Can you help Team Swartz by chipping in $10 or whatever you can to give Craig a fighting chance against Latta? Donate here:

Latta’s gotten over $1 million since January 2021. We don’t have that kind of money. Our movement is powered by everyday folks like you, not big PACs and millionaires.
Craig doesn’t have deep pockets and he isn’t Trump's puppet who wants to do away with women's bodily autonomy. Craig's working hard to earn your support, so we can bring Ohio back to a better future.  

If you’re ready for a pragmatic and empathetic leader, contribute today to send Latta packing. Chip in here: 

I’m so grateful to have folks like you on our team,  


Craig Swartz

P.O. Box 332, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351
