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Dear Jack,

Do you know someone that might be interested in taking part in the Mississippi Leadership Academy? 
This new initiative aims to nurture and prepare the next generation of leaders in our state. Starting in the fall, our program is designed to equip young leaders with the skills and knowledge necessary to be effective agents for change.
If you know a student or young professional that might benefit by taking part, please let them know. Applications are now open.

Confirmed participants so far include:
Shad White, State Auditor
Hon Chip Pickering
Lynn Fitch, Attorney General
Matt Ridley, author
Daniel Hannan, author
Aaron Rice, Mississippi Justice Institute
The program will explore some of the problems that our state faces, and consider what we might do to ensure that there is greater opportunity and prosperity in the future.
With young people often exposed to negative ideas about America and our nation’s past, we will look at the Founding and the role that freedom has played in making America a success story we can be proud of.
Participants in the program will meet one day a month for six months, starting in October and graduating in May. Those that graduate will receive recognition of their participation and their role in this future leadership program. For more details about the program, click here

Entirely unrelated to any of that, this week I was in Hattiesburg talking to this delightful group about the work of the Mississippi Center for Public Policy. 
Each month I speak at several similar events all around the state. If you are looking for a speaker, do please get in touch here

Have a wonderful weekend!
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Warm regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO
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