
Do you have free time this weekend? Are you ready to get boots on the ground to help Cicely Dissolve the Divide? We need a team of volunteers this weekend to help do literature drops in the Richfield and Fort Snelling areas. We know it is late notice but we need to capitalize on the upset Samuels voters who can find common ground with us in that they want to see Ilhan Omar GONE! If you have any availability this weekend and are willing to help with this, please send an email to [email protected] with your availability for more details. 

As always, thank you for your continued support to the Cicely Davis for Congress campaign. 

-Team Cicely 


Reserve Your Yard Sign Today

Don't forget to vote for Cicely on Primary Day, August 9th! Remember to remind your friends and family to do the same. To find your Primary Day polling place,  CLICK HERE.

Send an email with your contact information to [email protected] to reserve your yard sign or click HERE to enter your information on Cicely's website and check the box for "Display a yard sign."


Let's Dissolve the Divide!

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