Friend -

Tonight's show will feature a tremendous interview I did this morning, hosted by Albany activist Cynthia Pooler, with myself and Scott Ritter to discuss the implications of the Ukrainian Blacklist.? We'll also be taking up what happened at Mar-a-Lago with the blatent attempt of the DoJ and FBI, joining forces with the recently defeated rug-chewer Liz Cheney, in trying to prevent Donald Trump from running for office.? That should be up to the American voters, not Schumer's "six ways from Sunday" goon squads.

NY Symposium Friday August 10,7:30 pm:The Ukrainian Blacklist and Disinformation Warfare, Sponsored by the City of London and the US State Department

As soon as the Symposium concludes (about 8:40 pm), you may click the link below to join the organizing discussion.




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