VOTE EARLY Ahead of NYC's Primary Election on Tuesday! New York City’s primary election is on Tuesday, August 23rd — and you can vote early in-person from now through Sunday, August 21st! You MUST vote at your assigned early voting site — which might be different from the Election Day poll site you’re typically used to! Double check your early voting site and find the hours its open here:
VOTE EARLY Ahead of NYC's Primary Election on Tuesday!
New York City’s primary election is on Tuesday, August 23rd — and you can vote early in-person from now through Sunday, August 21st!
You MUST vote at your assigned early voting site — which might be different from the Election Day poll site you’re typically used to! Double check your early voting site and find the hours its open here:
Can I vote early if I requested or submitted an absentee ballot? If you requested an absentee ballot, then you should plan to vote with it. You can drop off your completed absentee ballot at any early voting site while polls are open. However, if you choose to vote in person after requesting an absentee ballot, you will have to vote with an affidavit ballot at your poll site. This ballot will look different. Ask a poll worker for help.
Why vote early? Early voting gives voters more flexibility, reduces wait times on Election Day, and eases the burden on poll workers, creating a more pleasant voting experience for everyone!
Happy voting!
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