Campaign for Accountability
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CfA's August 19, 2022 Newsletter

Thank you for your continued support of Campaign for Accountability. We're dedicated to continue working to hold the powerful accountable.

This week:
  • Apple Faces Antitrust Test in Treatment of Jamf: On Monday, the Tech Transparency Project (TTP) released a report detailing Apple’s treatment of device management software maker Jamf, raising questions about possible anti-competitive behavior.
    • Jamf, which is widely used in the corporate world, is exclusive to Apple products and relies on Apple’s cooperation to run effectively. But Apple recently released a similar product to Jamf—for now targeted at small businesses—that caused Jamf stock to drop sharply.
    • TTP found that IT administrators on Jamf message boards are complaining it’s getting harder for Jamf to patch security holes in Apple devices, suggesting that Apple may be degrading Jamf’s functionality. That’s a potentially ominous sign for Jamf, given past accusations that Apple has undermined third-party apps before introducing an identical feature of its own.
  • How Loot Boxes Are Transforming Video Games into the Latest Form of Gambling: The latest entry on the CfA blog explores how the rise of "loot boxes" in modern video games has introduced gamers—particularly adolescents—to a dynamic with proven ties to problem gambling behavior.
    • Earlier this summer, CfA joined a coalition of advocacy organizations in a letter to the Federal Trade Commission, requesting an investigation into video game company Electronic Arts for unfairly exploiting young users through "loot boxes" in its massively popular game, FIFA: Ultimate Team.
To keep these projects going, we rely on grassroots supporters like you. Every donation — no matter how small — allows us to keep the work going.


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  1. Follow CfA on Twitter.
  2. Follow the Tech Transparency Project on Twitter.
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  5. Make a tax-deductible donation.
Be on the lookout for more updates about our work in the upcoming weeks. Thanks again for signing up to be a part of CfA!  
Michelle Kuppersmith
Executive Director, Campaign for Accountability
Copyright © 2021 Campaign for Accountability, All rights reserved.

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