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Dear friend,
We’ve just added a new batch of letter writing campaigns! As voter data becomes available throughout the year, we’re steadily adding campaigns for congressional districts and states across the country, and our most recent additions are now live.
Starting today, you can write to voters in:
CA-09, FL statewide, FL-02, IN-01, KS-03, MD-06, NY-01, NY-17, NY-18, NY-19, NY-22, RI-02, and TX-34.
[Write letters to voters]([link removed]
Now is the perfect time to start writing letters to voters. It’ll take all of us working together to reach The Big Send’s 10 million letter goal ahead of the mail date on October 29.
So grab your blue pen, a stack of envelopes, and let’s get writing!
—The Vote Forward Team
P.S. By popular request, we’ve put together a [Vote Forward Spotify playlist]([link removed])—use it at your next letter writing party or jam out while you’re writing on your own!
Our small team works tirelessly to develop new campaigns, analyze data, and improve the letter writing experience for volunteers like you. If you can, please consider [making a contribution to help sustain our efforts over the long term.]([link removed])
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