The Hill: Georgia entrepreneur fights crony protectionism that unfairly limits childbirth options


Katie Chubb is deeply concerned about childbirth options for expectant mothers. In her native United Kingdom, midwifery is a common practice. In Augusta, Georgia, where she and her family now live, only one of three local hospitals offers midwifery services, and there are no freestanding midwifery practices, or birth centers, within a 130-mile radius. Worse, childbirth outcomes are abysmal in the Augusta area and across the state.

But when Katie set out to establish a new nonprofit birth center, she ran into crony, protectionist regulations that give Georgia hospitals power to stop her business. Now, she’s fighting back.

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What the heck is rational basis scrutiny?


Unless you’re a legal wonk, you probably don’t often contemplate the Supreme Court’s use of rational basis scrutiny. In fact, you may never have encountered the term before.

Familiarity aside, writes Donna Matias, the fate of many high-profile federal lawsuits, including the controversial Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health case, have hinged on its use by courts.

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The Hill: In fighting woke politics, censorship is not the answer


Florida’s Stop WOKE Act prevents businesses, schools, and other institutions from subjecting students and employees to training or teachings that promote various anti-racist ideas.

While the ideas Florida seeks to suppress are bad, the law tramples free speech in its enthusiasm to oppose bad ideas. The better path, argue Ethan Blevins and Daniel Ortner, is to encourage open debate, not censorship.

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