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Read the July–August Issue Online

Inside This Issue

Even amidst plenty of bad news, quiet revolutions happen all around us. My interview with Dr. G. Keith Smith, founder of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma, gives us a look inside this medical revolution and will leave you optimistic for the future.


Continetti has a distinctive vision of what is American conservatism. He views the political and economic ideas of Murray Rothbard and Ron Paul as inimical to the ideas he favors; to him, we are the enemy. We ought to have a look at his book, if only to see what he says about us.

Big medicine is in big trouble. The system is dysfunctional. There are alternatives out there that are free markets and people are becoming aware that they exist and that they work.


Jeff Deist and Stephan Livera look at money in an era of crazed monetary policy. They tackle how Austrian economics relates to cryptos, why gold still matters, how deflation and "hoarding" are healthy for an economy, and how any challenge to the central bank cartel could create a political upheaval.

All past issues of The Austrian are also available at


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