Election after election, billionaires and their handpicked corporate politicians undermine our democracy.


Free and fair elections are the core of our democracy, and yet over the years, we've seen our voices eclipsed by the powerful influence of billionaire money in politics.

Billionaires spend millions to elect their handpicked candidates and recall democratically elected leaders who have the courage to hold them accountable. That undercuts our democracy.

Since the disastrous Citizens United decision, members of Congress are even more dependent than before on billionaire money, ensuring that billionaires continue to spend big on elections year in and year out. But Congress can stop their unlimited influx of cash by ensuring they pay their fair share in taxes.

We cannot continue to allow billionaires to influence our politics with an onslaught of money. Tell Congress to make billionaires pay what they owe in taxes to limit their influence on our elections.

America now has more billionaires than at any time in history, all while most Americans are struggling to make ends meet.

These billionaires and their corporations and dark money groups are pouring millions of dollars into electing people who will protect their profits over us, the people. In the 2020 election cycle alone, anti-democratic vote buying totaled $1.2 billion.

It's time for billionaires to pay their fair share towards critical investments in our future and stop rigging our elections and leaders in their favor.

Tell Congress to make billionaires pay what they owe in taxes and limit their influence on our elections.

We’re in this together -- thank you for taking on the billionaires.

–Irene, along with Amber, Angela, Annie, Mai, Isidra, Jay, Lindsay, LisaMarie, Mai, Raquel and Scottie (the Courage team)


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