As governor, I will champion codifying marriage equality into our state’s laws
Stacey Abrams for Governor


Yesterday, Brian Kemp revealed he firmly opposes marriage equality even as most Georgians have accepted this fundamental right. Kemp has once again aligned himself with a radical agenda that denies full citizenship to all Americans.

Rather than standing idly by as more Georgians lose their civil liberties, as governor, I will protect these basic rights and codify marriage equality into our state’s laws. But first, we have to win in November. Can you make your first $5 contribution to help me beat Brian Kemp?


By refusing to protect marriage equality, Kemp is unequivocally siding with the homophobic law that denied equal protection in Georgia until the Supreme Court’s 2015 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges.

Even more concerning, Kemp praised Justice Clarence Thomas, who believes that the Supreme Court should reconsider “all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell” — the cases establishing constitutional rights to contraception, same-sex sexual intimacy, and same-sex marriage — a reality acknowledged by Kemp in his statement yesterday.

I will have no hesitation about defending constitutional rights.

Kemp has been clear about his extremist principles, which deny basic rights to same-sex couples. He doesn’t believe in equality in our state — I do.

If elected governor, I will work to repeal discriminatory laws that trample our freedoms and enshrine our rights and liberties into law. Can you make your first $5 contribution to make that possible?

Let’s get it done,



Abrams for Governor
931 Monroe Dr NE
Ste A102 #363
Atlanta, GA 30308
United States

Contributions to Abrams for Governor are not tax deductible.

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