John, Last month we asked Our Revolution members what you would change about the Democratic Party. Over 80% of you agree that dark money corrupts Democratic decision-making and should be banned from Democratic primaries. We heard you loud and clear, and we're taking action. Just yesterday, Our Revolution members joined with allies inside the DNC to introduce a resolution to ban dark money in primaries! We've already built a strong coalition of 33 DNC members, but corporate lobbyists still have time to kill our proposal before the September 10th deadline. We have a chance to ban dark corporate money from Democratic primaries, but only if we have what it takes to fight back and beat corporate forces inside the party. Can we count on you to stand with real Democrats by chipping in?
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If the Democratic Party really believes that we need to end Citizens United, the landmark Supreme Court decision that opened up the floodgates for billionaire and fossil fuel dark money to essentially buy elections, why would it allow those same dollars in Democratic primaries? Bernie founded Our Revolution because he saw firsthand how corporate control of the Democratic Party kills bills that would help working people. Since then, we've been building the long-term power to change the party. It hasn't been easy, but over the past 5 years, Our Revolution leaders and allies have succeeded in making real change in 15 of the 57 Dem Parties. We can truly make elections fairer with this resolution to ban corporate money! Please help support our efforts by pitching in what you can. We need to stand together against corporate lobbyists that will work hard to kill this proposal! In solidarity, Our Revolution 