Look John, we didn’t want to write this email. But we have a problem. It’s Democratic enthusiasm. Republicans are SUPER pumped to take back the U.S. House and Senate and consolidate their power in the states. Their enthusiasm is off the charts. But Democrats? Well, a lot of Democrats seem to be kind of *meh* about this election. And that’s… not okay. We get that midterm elections aren’t as flashy as presidential elections. But we're not exaggerating when we say that EVERYTHING is on the line this year – not just policy (abortion rights, anyone?) but DEMOCRACY ITSELF. Don’t people care? Listen, we know everyone is tired of thinking about the constant threats. We're tired, too! But the reality is that if we don’t fight, and keep fighting, the forces that want to dismantle democracy will win. State by state, bill by bill, court ruling by court ruling, they’ll chip away until we have no voice. We're not about to let that happen. But the NDRC CANNOT do this alone. We’re a grassroots-supported organization. We NEED our supporters with us, in terms of enthusiasm and donations. So we're asking. Whatever you’re doing, please do more. If you weren’t going to give today, please give $10. If you were going to give $10, give $20. Literally everything is at stake. We need you.
Thank you. Truly.