IG Report: Another Swampian Cover-Up
Larry Klayman sees lack of accountability for those who lie, cheat and steal
By Larry Klayman
December 14, 2019
It's sad that I have to say "I told you so!" but predictably, no matter how much spin we see from Fox News' prime-time hosts and others who invested themselves in the obviously fictitious notion that the just-released U.S. Department of Justice Inspector General's report on the origins of the so-called Russian collusion investigation would have heads roll at the FBI and other Deep State government agencies, the document turned out to be a near total cover-up.
Why is this? Put simply, the government and legal establishments, when called on the carpet for their misdeeds, illegality and in the case of the Steele Dossier, Fusion GPS and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court criminal capers, circle the wagons and protect each other.
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