State Solutions. National Impact.
September 19-22, 2022 • Atlanta, GA
Dear John,

SPN's 30th Annual Meeting is only four weeks away! If you're planning to join us in Atlanta, GA, I encourage you to register and make your travel plans soon.

In addition to flagging several upcoming August deadlines, I wanted to share a few new updates, including a new post-conference session and details about what happening in everyone’s favorite Annual Meeting hang-out spot: The Connections Lounge. 

Hope to see you in Atlanta!

Julie Burden | Senior Director of Special Projects and Events

August Registration Deadlines

Attendee List Goes Live Aug. 25
The Annual Meeting app and attendee list will be available to registered attendees on Aug. 25! To ensure you're included on the list and to maximize your on-site networking, be sure to register before next Thursday. 

Register Now
Discounted Hotel Room Block Closes Aug. 29
Our discounted room block at the Atlanta Marquis Marriott is closing soon. If you haven't already, make sure you reserve your room and book your travel to ensure you can participate in all the great pre- and post-conference opportunities!

Reserve Your Room

Just Added: Atlanta Microschools Tour

8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. | Thursday, September 22
If you're interested in schooling approaches or education policy, you may want to extend your stay in Atlanta through Thursday afternoon and join this field trip sponsored by Stand Together Trust.

In this post-conference session, you'll have the opportunity to visit dynamic student-centered and non-traditional education models in Atlanta. A packed lunch will be provided. Capacity is extremely limited. 

Connections Lounge: What to Know, When to Go

When not in sessions, the Connections Lounge is the place to be. From live music and lawn games to networking space and opportunities, the Connections Lounge offers a hub for meeting peers and building your professional network. Here's a quick look at what we have lined up for the week.

Explore What the Network Has to Offer

Interested in learning how other organizations can make your job easier and more effective? There will be dozens of exhibitors available to talk to you about their offerings and how they can help. Plus, many folks will be hosting special events and giveaways throughout the week. Stop by the booths for more information.

Live Music, Fun & Games

SPN Annual Meeting has never been all work and no play, and this year's Connection Lounge opportunities are setting a new bar for ways to relax and have fun.
  • Opening Reception: Welcome to Atlanta, Y'all! (Monday, Sept. 19)
  • Chess Tournament Casual Play and Tournament, sponsored by Illinois Policy Institute
  • Speed Networking, note: business cards required for admission
  • Lawn Party!, complete with sweet tea and lawn games
  • Trivia in the (Peach) Trees
  • Coffee House, enjoy coffee and treats while listening to an acclaimed local acoustic guitarist
  • A Celebration of Success: Awards Dinner Reception

Breakfast and Lunch

Seating will be available to let you connect with fellow attendees over breakfast on Tuesday and over lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday, or you can grab your meal to-go on the way to your next appointment. 

Networking Receptions & Meet-Ups

From discussing ways to engage the community to exploring market solutions for recycling to comparing notes on podcasts and social media strategy, our small-group, themed gatherings offer ways to connect in creative ways with your peers and colleagues throughout the week.
View the Agenda

Thank you to these SPN 30th Annual Meeting sponsors!

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