
The Stop the Bleed Coalition launched an effort in May to support Ukraine by providing easy access to STOP THE BLEED® instruction material (translated into Ukrainian) and by raising STOP THE BLEED® Kit donations.

The instructional materials have been used widely and the first STOP THE BLEED® Kits have been delivered and distributed to military personnel in the field. It is a sad fact that many will likely be used as the war continues.

Pictured above is Mr. Mark Di Ionno, representing the Coalition on the ground along with four Ukrainian Artillery soldiers, holding official US Department of Defense STOP THE BLEED® Kits.

STOP THE BLEED® for Ukraine Info


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Connect with the Stop the Bleed Coalition

The Coalition is a community of individuals and organizations who are passionate about the STOP THE BLEED® campaign. The Coalition’s goal is to support the growth and impact of the campaign by providing access to information and services to the growing STOP THE BLEED® community as well as financial support to the STOP THE BLEED® Project.

STOP THE BLEED® is a national campaign to encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. It is a public/private partnership led by the Department of Defense and many other stakeholders, including the Stop the Bleed Coalition.