Let me tell you why…
John, it’s clear that our RINO opponents are counting on using a last-minute push in order to try to defeat us.
Backers like the Lincoln Project groomers have been shelling out a FORTUNE in these final days trying to give them a boost. The Establishment is terrified of there being a bold fighter in the Swamp who’s only beholden to ONE special interest group – the American People!
They can feel us closing in on their power.
I entered Hunter Biden’s Laptop from Hell that shows deals for “the Big Guy” into the Congressional record.
I exposed their plans to give the IRS their own private arsenal.
I personally helped take out one of the Regime’s loyal servants when we FIRED Liz Cheney earlier this week.
I have been a thorn in their side disrupting their schemes and power grabs.
But for all of these reasons, they are trying to TAKE ME OUT 5 days from now!