“I paid off my student loans so you should have to pay yours too.”
Let’s not limit ourselves to the status quo when we can dream bigger and create a future where all people can be debt free. Especially when many students are taken advantage of by predatory student loan companies.
“I do not have student debt. Why should I care?”
The effects of one person with debt are felt by an entire community. It affects the economy, the racial wealth gap, our friends and family. You may not have student debt but the effects of those with it are all around you.
“Doesn’t paying off student debt just benefit rich people?”
Most people with student debt are part of the working or middle class. These same folks often carry their loans with them for years accruing a ton of interest. 40% of those with student debt do not have a degree to show for it, which can directly impact their job prospects. Paying off student loan debt directly benefits the people that need financial relief the most.