Hi there,

As 2019 wraps up, we still have a lot of important legislative priorities to get done. Here in the Senate, we’re still working for the American people.

I’m focused on issues like securing miners’ pensions, passing appropriations bills that fund our government, and supporting our military by passing the National Defense Authorization Act. Click here to learn more about what Congress needs to get done by the end of the year or on the video below: 


Improving Transparency at the Clarksburg VA  

The suspicious deaths and homicides that occurred at the Clarksburg VA are beyond disturbing. While we’re still waiting for the criminal investigation to conclude, this week, Senator Manchin and I introduced a bill aimed at improving transparency and accountability within VA medical centers that will help us find answers to our questions and help prevent future tragedies.

I went into more detail about this legislation with MetroNews’ Hoppy Kercheval. Click here or on the image below to listen to the interview:

The bill would require the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to submit reports on patient safety and quality care at VA medical centers. Additionally, this bill requires the VA—once the criminal investigations are completed—to submit a detailed report and timeline of events surrounding the deaths at the Clarksburg VA.


This is an absolutely shameful chapter in VA history, and I have remained in close contact with those involved in this investigation, such as VA Secretary Wilkie, U.S. Attorney Bill Powell, Clarksburg VA Director Glenn Snider, and VA Inspector General Michael Missal, as well as checking in with staff on the progress of the investigation.

Learn more about the bill in this MetroNews article

Working with the White House 

On Thursday, I joined some of my Senate colleague and Advisor to the President, Ivanka Trump, for a working families summit at the White House. The summit focused on bipartisan solutions that address the fact that in many households today, both parents work. Raising a child is a tremendous expense, and the Senate is dedicated to helping create stronger families.


I’m particularly pleased to have the administration’s support in my bill, the Advancing Support for Working Families Act, that would allow families the option to advance up to $5,000 of their newly doubled Child Tax Credit up front.

Check out this State Journal story for more info on my visit. 

In Case You Missed It 

Click through the links below to learn more about other recent highlights and Senate efforts:

How Can We Help? 

Whether you need help with a casework issue or have a question about scheduling a meeting at one of my offices, my staff and I are ready to assist you. Learn more about the services we offer at www.capito.senate.gov.

You can also submit your feedback and share your stories with me by visiting my “Share Your Stories” webpage here: www.capito.senate.gov/ShareYourStories

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Shelley Moore Capito

United States Senator