We need to raise £100k by 9th September to take Rebellion on the road

Dear John,


In less than one month, Extinction Rebellion will be back on the streets. But this time things will be a little different. They need to be. 


We need £100k by 9th September to launch dramatic actions in London - and to take Rebellion across the UK. Will you fund the Rebellion?


A new Prime Minister is about to be chosen - but not by the people. Whoever gets the keys to No.10, neither candidate has shown they understand the climate and ecological crises we face. We need to keep up the pressure.


On 10th September we’re kicking off the Rebellion in London with a long weekend of civil resistance, training and community building. Then we’re boarding buses...


A small fleet of buses will take teams of highly-trained rebels across the country to mobilise communities and show how citizens assemblies offer us a route out of our ecocidal status quo. This phase of the Rebellion will finish back in London in October, when we will be stronger than ever.


Will you help us take Rebellion on the road?

  • £30 can provide police station support to two young rebels after arrest, making sure they are fed and get home safely
  • £75 can print over a thousand flyers, each one sowing a seed of change
  • £200 can buy a portable PA system to raise morale with speeches and songs
  • £15,000 can fund a bus to carry our message of change across the UK

We’ve all witnessed first hand the devastating repercussions of inaction - record temperatures, wildfires, droughts, flooding and loss of wildlife.


We must show an alternative to our failing democratic system is possible. Donate now and be on the right side of history. 


Love & Rage


Matt, XR UK


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