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Dear John,
It’s that time of year again—schools across the country are opening back up and welcoming thousands of children for the start of a new school year. Preparing for a new school year brings with it all the hustle and bustle of making sure your little one has everything they need to have the best possible start to their year. And let’s face it, you can never be too prepared, can you?
But parents and children aren’t the only ones getting ready for the new school year. Back to school is a huge time for teachers! From preparing their classrooms to finalizing curriculum and lesson planning, teachers are making sure that everything is ready for your child to come into their center or school and be successful.
At Start Early, we know that our littlest learners benefit from high-quality early learning experiences, and we need a capable and well-trained teaching force to provide our best-in-class programming.
This school year, we are asking that you not forget about the hard-working teachers who are behind the early learning and care the little ones in our programs receive. We simply cannot do the work of preparing our youngest learners without our dedicated teachers. |
Please give today to help prepare our teachers’ classrooms as part of our back-to-school efforts.
$1 a day provides 3 books to encourage reading skills in the classroom
$30 provides preschoolers with access to cultural arts experiences
$50 provides a classroom with color and shape activity sets that support math and reasoning skills
Be a champion for early learning and give today in support of our teachers. |
