
We’re just two days away from the middle of December--a reminder of how close we are to the new year (a new decade!) and that we’re two weeks from our end-of-year fundraising deadline.

For campaigns around the country, the end of year fundraising deadline is a big one. It’s the last filing that we have before 2020 really picks up. Pundits, opponents, and reporters will be examining every inch of our fundraising reports looking for signs of weakness in our grassroots numbers.

When they look at our fundraising reports, we want them to see how strong and energized this team is for the year ahead.

Can you help us stay on track to have an awesome 2019 fundraising filing by rushing a contribution of $10 or more right now? We are trying to raise $10,000 by midnight on the 15th to stay on track.

Aside from these reports being publicly examined, we are setting our budgets and building our teams for 2020. Your support goes a long way right now as we finalize our plans.

Thank you,

Team Moulton