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Where Does a Nuclear Capable Iran Fit into Bible Prophecy?

By Lamb and Lion Ministries on Aug 18, 2022 07:32 am

Iran Nuclear Bible ProphecyWhere does a nuclear-capable Iran fit into Bible prophecy? This question weighs heavy on a lot of Christian’s minds
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Yuval Noah Harari spills the beans: ‘We just don’t need the vast majority of the population’

By Leo Hohmann on Aug 18, 2022 07:23 am

In one sentence, Harari validated what we “conspiracy theorists” have been saying for years, that globalist power elites want to rid the world of people deemed “useless” in their eyes. That’s why we call them global predators.
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The Daily Skirmish – Extremism In Defense of Election Integrity Is No Vice

By Liberato on Aug 18, 2022 06:55 am

Voter fraud continues to be caught and prosecuted, although to a very limited extent relative to the amount of fraud that’s out there.
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Defend the Border: It’s in the U.S. Constitution

By Clare Lopez on Aug 18, 2022 04:50 am

defend the borderFentanyl overdose deaths continue claiming thousands of American lives and most fentanyl is trafficked across the wide open southern border with Mexico.
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Sin-sick souls: Charlottesville Clergy Collective promotes abortion
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“America needs God more than God needs America.  If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”  - Ronald Reagan

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