
Dear John,

President Biden's administration and my colleagues across the aisle got their way.

Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the massive tax and spend bill, and it was just signed into law.

What does this mean for you? It means a supersized IRS with over 80,000 new agents to go after small businesses and families, it means radical Green New Deal policies that will dismantle Montana energy development, and it means you’ll be paying higher costs.

I can’t say this enough – President Biden’s administration’s "Build Back Broke" spending spree is bad for Montana families, bad for Montana energy jobs and bad for Montanans’ pocketbooks, and I'm disappointed to see it become law.

As your voice in the United States Senate, I will keep working to fight back AGAINST these disastrous policies that are bad for Montana, and work for commonsense solutions to lower costs and to stop government overreach.


Senator Steve Daines



Do you want your hard-earned tax dollars to be spent on supersizing the IRS and radical Green New Deal policies?

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