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Dear John,

We are living in a historic and providential moment that you and I knew was possible—a longed for moment that inspired us through the difficult times.

We have never given up working toward the day when all will be welcomed throughout life and protected in law. It is what Americans United for Life has been methodically doing for over 50 years as America’s oldest pro-life organization. 

We would not be here if it were not for your incredible support over the years. In the wake of Roe's reversal, our work is, in so many ways, just beginning. As you know, the victory of Roe's reversal is not the end of our cause, but another beginning as Americans United for Life doubles down on our work in every state to ensure the most powerful pro-life laws are put into place. 

As of today, there are 14 states in America with near-complete abolition of abortion since Roe's reversal. This is great news and an encouraging start for our life-saving cause. We must keep going and growing that number. Americans United for Life will drive the change necessary to achieve improved pro-life protections in every state, and to strive for abortion abolition in even more states. Please support us in this work to help ensure that all will live in pro-life America.

Together we can accomplish anything. Your support is vital to our work. We will never give up and we will never stop working toward a brighter future for all persons. We are truly working together in this important mission. Together, we will win.


Give Now
Yours in Life,

Catherine Glenn Foster, M.A., J.D.
President and CEO,
Americans United For Life
Copyright © Americans United for Life, All Rights Reserved.
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Americans United for Life
1150 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036

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