We’re picking up the pace.

Ilhan for Congress

Hey there, you may have noticed that we haven’t sent many fundraising emails the past few days. We know we sent you a ton ahead of Ilhan’s primary, and we thought you could use a break.

But we’re picking up the pace today to stay on track in our quarterly fundraising. Contributions from supporters to emails like this one are the reason we could get out the vote, overcome hundreds of thousands of dollars in last-minute outside spending, and power Ilhan to victory in her primary.

And your support over the next 12 weeks will ensure we have the resources to fight back against our far-right Republican opponent’s attacks, campaign for progressives up and down the ballot, and send Ilhan back to Congress to fight for our shared progressive values.

That’s why we’ve set a mid-quarter fundraising goal of raising $10,000 before midnight to put us in the strongest position possible ahead of Election Day. Every single donation adds up, so can you chip in $5 or any amount you can afford to help us reach our goal?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

From passing the Inflation Reduction Act to lower prescription drug prices and address the climate crisis, to moving the needle on transformative policies like Medicare for All, Ilhan will never stop fighting to deliver the progress you deserve. Thank you for chipping in what you can to keep her in Congress.

Team Ilhan