Celebrate good times, c'mon! Details about the Inflation Reduction Act
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CCL Weekly Briefing, Aug. 17, 2022
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Table of Contents:
House passes, Biden signs IRA
Take action this week
Bob Inglis tours with CCLers
Upcoming trainings
House passes, Biden signs Inflation Reduction Act
This past Friday, the House of Representatives passed the Inflation
Reduction Act, which included historic climate measures. Yesterday,
President Biden signed that bill into law.
Based on analyses by several energy modeling groups, the Inflation
Reduction Act will reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40%
by the year 2030, significantly narrowing the gap between the U.S.'s
current path and its Paris Climate Agreement commitment.
This stunning victory comes just weeks after climate advocates believed
that the bill was dead and that major climate legislation in this
Congress was off the table.
The reconciliation roller coaster has put many CCLers on a wild ride for
the last year, but volunteers faced each challenge with as much resolve
as the last. During the past year that led to the climate legislation
just enacted, CCL volunteers held 920 meetings with congressional
offices, generated over 225,000 letters and calls to members of
Congress, and published 2,117 letters to the editor and 676 op-eds.
Communications Specialist Steve Valk chronicles every twist and turn of
the reconciliation roller coaster in his latest blog. Read the piece to
remember how CCLers like you showed up over and over to make this day
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In other news this week:
Watch the celebration: If you were unable to attend CCL's celebration of
the Presidential signing on Tuesday, you can watch the recording
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of that celebration.
Details about the Inflation Reduction Act: Want to know a little bit
more about the nitty gritty of the Inflation Reduction Act? Read this
IRA analysis
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by CCL Research Coordinator Dana Nuccitelli.
The effect of dividends on carbon pricing popularity: With so much
political concern over the economic impacts of inflation, it should come
as no surprise that dividends help build political support for carbon
pricing. Read the latest Nerd Corner post here
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Take action this week
If you have a little time: Thank your Democratic Representative
If you have a Democratic Representative, be sure to thank them for
voting "yes" on this historic climate policy. Thank them here.
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If you have more time: Watch the August monthly call
Watch the recording of our August national call with guest speakers CCL
board members Bob Inglis and Princella Talley. Bob and Princella
discussed how they communicate with diverse audiences about climate
change. You can watch the recording here
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Find your CCL chapter
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| Check out our Action Teams
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| Browse upcoming events
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Bob Inglis does outreach with ID, WA CCLers
Former Republican Congressman and CCL Board Member Bob Inglis has been
working with CCLers in Idaho and Washington to spread the word about
conservative support for climate initiatives.
"We're trying to show a way for my party to embrace the idea of free
enterprise innovation leading to climate action," Inglis said on one
stop of his outreach tour, as quoted by the Moscow-Pullman Daily News
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. "In other words, that we can solve this through the power of the
Inglis has visited churches, Rotary clubs, and other organizations,
emphasizing the importance of tackling climate change and decreasing
reliance on fossil fuels from other countries.
"It's all about accountability," Inglis said on one stop chronicled by
the Idaho Press
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. "We think that's rock-solid conservatism. Because we think that
blessings flow from accountability. Havoc results from a lack of
accountability. Climate change is that havoc."
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Upcoming trainings
8/18: Help Us Recruit Major Donors — Join members from our Development
Team for a free, virtual conversation about how to find the fun in
fundraising and how to recruit new major donors for our national work.
Join us!
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8/25: Earth Day: Election Edition Roll-out — Join us for an overview of
CCL's fall plans to launch Earth Day: Election Edition. You may decide
to replicate an amazing Earth Day or outreach event you hosted a few
years ago, or you may decide to pull out all the stops and invite your
whole county to participate. Staff will review the resources that are
provided, including CCL branded handouts slogans and a social media
packet. Join us!
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Need training on the basics? Catch our next session of Core Volunteer
Training, made for newer volunteers:
8/23: 7 Steps for Media Action — Join us for a training on how you can
best utilize CCL's suite of media resources to customize and submit one
of CCL's op-ed templates, ask an editor for an editorial, write more
local letters to the editor and amplify your media work on social media.
Join us!
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To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page
of CCL Community
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