We don’t like to beg for donations or use scare tactics like “the sky is falling.”

We’re just 12 weeks out from Election Day and Coloradans receive their mail-in ballots in just 9 weeks. That means we have less than 9 weeks to reach voters about Michael’s progress securing tax cuts for parents, lowering prescription drug and health care costs, and making big corporations like Amazon pay their fair share.

In a moment, we’ll ask you to start a weekly donation to help re-elect Michael, but first we’ll tell you why keeping Michael in the Senate is so critical for Colorado and working families nationwide.

We don’t like to beg for donations or use scare tactics like “the sky is falling,” because you’re as much a part of this team as the staff here at headquarters, and our fight to keep Colorado blue and defend Michael’s seat over these next 12 weeks is deeply personal.

This incredible team is made up of generous grassroots donors, dedicated supporters, and committed staff and volunteers and we’re all here for similar reasons:

  • We believe that every child should have a fighting chance, no matter where they grow up.

Michael Bennet

  • We believe we must enshrine a woman’s right to choose into federal law, because someone’s zip code shouldn’t determine their health care options.

Michael Bennet

  • We believe health care should be affordable and no one should have to choose between taking care of their health and keeping a roof over their heads. 

Michael Bennet

  • We know that climate change is a real and urgent threat to our way of life, and that we have the power to fight it.

Michael Bennet

  • We believe in the power of our democracy and that we should leave it stronger for the next generation.

Michael Bennet

  • And we know Michael refuses to accept that our economy and democracy are too broken to fix, and he always puts Coloradans first over partisan games.

Michael fought to fix our roads and bridges which will create jobs here in Colorado, ban surprise emergency medical bills, and make sure big corporations pay their fair share. The next 12 weeks of this campaign are about building on Michael’s progress on the issues Coloradans care about the most. We don’t need to use scare tactics when Michael’s opponent and the National GOP threaten our health care coverage, reproductive freedom, and voting rights. 

Mitch McConnell has said he and the National GOP are “all-in in Colorado,” but if you start a weekly donation today, you’ll commit to 12 donations through Election Day that will help us power the ads, voter outreach, and volunteer training it will take to mobilize Colorado voters. Michael doesn’t take a cent from corporate PACs or federal lobbyists so your weekly commitment will make a critical difference as we fend off attacks against his record and reach voters across the state.  

Start a weekly donation to help defend Michael’s seat so he can continue fighting for Coloradans’ values in the Senate. 


Thank you and talk soon,

Team Bennet

Michael Bennet