Friend, I need you to take this to heart: I’ve never backed down from standing up to Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and their Republican allies.

But here’s the reality: My efforts to hold them accountable have made me a target for defeat. Now, Trump has not only weighed in directly on Connecticut’s Senate race, his personal choice has just won the GOP primary and officially become the Republican nominee. In other words, the stakes for this race just got even higher.

With the entire GOP establishment lining up to hand control of the Senate back to Mitch McConnell, let me be clear: We can’t afford to miss a single fundraising goal. But right now, we’re $10,500 short of where we need to be this month.

When it comes to protecting Democratic Senate control, I know $10,500 may not seem like a big deal. But I promise, it makes a big difference – especially at this moment in our campaign. Every last dollar we raise right now matters immensely when it comes to fighting back against the GOP’s attacks and protecting this seat.

So please, ahead of my next big fundraising deadline, can I count on you to ensure we hit this goal so I can defeat my Trump-endorsed opponent and protect control of the Senate? Click here to rush a donation of $5 or more right now to keep this seat and the Senate blue.

With your support, I know we can win this race, keep this seat blue, and protect (and expand!) Democratic control of the Senate.

Thanks for all you do,


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