After years of working for climate solutions, Congress has broken a new threshold of climate legislation. Just a matter of weeks after the Supreme Court ruled in West Virginia vs EPA that the federal government must have a legislative mandate, Congress responded. Thank you John for all your work in getting us to this point.

Supreme Court: "Congress must authorize climate action through legislation"


If you are ready to CELEBRATE, join us at MALCOLM X (AKA Meridian Hill Park) on Sunday (8/21) at 4pm. Bring some nibbles and enjoy some positive vibes as we take a chance to pause and recognize the progress we have made. 

If you are ready to jump into this year's elections, we have several events coming up, including two phone banks with the Environmental Voter Project and climate outreach at the Lincoln Memorial.
Opportunities with
Environmental Voter Project (EVP)

Politicians won’t pay attention to environmentalists until we start voting, so we’re going to turn up the heat... by turning up at the polls. The Environmental Voter Project aims to significantly increase voter demand for environmental leadership by identifying inactive environmentalists and then turning them into consistent activists and voters. Join your fellow CCL volunteers for training and phone banking with Environmental Voter Project led by our own Linda VerNooy.

RSVP: Thurs, Aug 18, 6-8PM
RSVP: Thurs, Aug 25, 6-8PM

Climate Outreach at Lincoln Memorial
Saturday, September 3, 10:00-2:00

We're going back to the Lincoln Memorial to speak with visitors from outside of DC about climate change. Our role is to urge them to take action! Sign up for a two hour morning or afternoon shift.

RSVP: Climate Outreach at Lincoln
Quick actions you can take for the climate:
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