Letter to AG Rosenblum asks for investigation into NW Natural.

Breaking 🚨


Six Oregon elected officials and more than 30 organizations signed onto a petition calling on the Oregon Department of Justice to investigate the state’s largest gas utility, NW Natural, for deceptive advertising practices, including falsely promoting gas as a climate-friendly solution, misleading the public regarding the company’s energy investments, and seeking to influence school children to think positively about methane gas.

"NW Natural is spreading false solutions and rate increases which will enrich its shareholders at the expense of our most vulnerable."

Oregon State Representative Khanh Pham (D-Portland)

"It is time that the state holds this polluting fossil fuel corporation accountable for the demonstrably false and misleading statements that it is sending to its ratepayers, the general public and elected officials."

Eugene City Councilor Matthew Keating

“NW Natural is using its effectively unlimited resources to mislead the public and elected officials about the significant harm of its product on our community.”

Fossil Free Eugene Coalition Coordinator Aya Cockram

The petition – which was submitted to Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum today – comes as elected officials across Oregon consider strategies to transition homes away from methane gas in an effort to cut dangerous air pollution and slow climate change. In response to the growing threat of regulation, NW Natural has launched an escalating propaganda campaign aimed at delaying the transition to clean energy in homes by misleading consumers, elected officials, and Oregonians at large about the climate and health risks from methane gas appliances.


Their campaign has included attempts to mislead Oregon residents about the availability of biogas paid for by Oregonians, which is actually all piped to out-of-state gas customers, and efforts to distribute fossil fuel workbooks to schools that encourage children to associate methane gas with baking cookies, eating pizza, and cartoon characters.


Help spread the news by retweeting this, sharing this on Facebook, and posting this to your Instagram story.


And check out this video to learn more about NW Natural's expensive attempts to convince the public that "natural" methane gas is not the dirty, dangerous fossil fuel that it actually is:


P.S. Breach Collective is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so every dollar you give is tax deductible in the United States! Breach Collective’s EIN is 85-0743122.



PO Box 5291, Eugene, Oregon 97405

Breach Collective is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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