Doesn’t Add Up For Phoenix
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One of the many duties of the Councilmember is the yearly budget. The City of Phoenix's  budget is the financial obligation to the community. The community relies on sound financial judgement to establish the budget, the services to be included and the disbursement of the funds.

The City of Phoenix 2022 – 2023 budget is $1.8 Billion dollars and District 6 expects their councilmember to allocate their tax dollars responsibly.

Can we expect an elected official to be responsible with our tax dollars if they don’t pay their own personal bills on time?

According to public records, candidate Kevin Robinson (yes, the same Robinson who was taken to court by an opponent, admitted to renting a house in Ahwatukee so he would be eligible to run in District 6) showed a pattern of not fulfilling his personal financial obligations to his previous HOAs.

Warner Ranch Association and Foothills Reserve A-1 & A-2 HOA, from 1992 - 2018 filed a combined 14 liens and 3 civil judgments against Robinson for not paying association fees on time.

Thank you for your trust and support,

-- Joan


Email is the most important way we keep in touch with you, so thank you for reading to the end. Small donors like you keep us going. To contribute via check, please address to Joan Greene for Phoenix City Council 4802 E. Ray Road, Suite 23-134 Phoenix, AZ 85044
