Our next CEO wants to hear from you
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Last week, we shared some exciting news: Amy Spitalnick is our next CEO! (Here’s the link to our launch video in case you missed it.)


We've received an outpouring of support from people all across the country — movement partners, members of Congress, Bend the Arc leaders, and members like you.


Now, we want to hear directly from you. Share a question or comment for Amy right here. Ask her about anything, from her favorite item on the seder plate to her strategy for taking on white nationalism and white supremacy.



Below, you’ll find quotes, tweets, and news articles celebrating Amy and Bend the Arc. We hope seeing these messages makes you feel connected and proud, because we wouldn’t be here without you.



Headline from Religion News Service reading \


Headline from Jewish Telegraphic Agency reading \



Rep. Adriano Espaillat (NY-13):

Screenshot of a tweet from Rep. Adriano Espaiilat that says

Congratulations to @amyspitalnick for becoming the new CEO of Bend the

Arc @jewishaction. Amy and Bend the Arc have led the fight against

white supremacy and towards justice. #WelcomeAmy

Muslim Advocates:

Screenshot of a tweet from Muslim Advocates that reads Congrats

and welcome, @amyspitalnick! @jewishaction is one of our closest

partners in the fight against hate and Amy's track record of taking on

white nationalism and winning makes her an inspired choice. We can't

wait to fight in the trenches with you!

Rahna Epting, Executive Director, MoveOn:

Screenshot of a tweet from Rahna Epting, Executive Director of

MoveOn, that reads Congrats to @amyspitalnick on joining Bend the Arc

as their new CEO! Excited to work with you and continuing to work with


Jews for Racial & Economic Justice:

Screenshot of a tweet from Jews for Racial & Economic Justice

that reads Congratulations to Bend the Arc on this a fantastic hire,

and mazel tov to @amyspitalnick on your new job!  We're excited to

work with you and @jewishaction to dismantle white supremacy and build

a future for all of us. #WelcomeAmy

Eric K. Ward, Senior Advisor, Western States Center:

Screenshot of a tweet from Eric K. Ward that reads The

anti-bigotry movement in the United States just took a big leap

forward. Good for Bend The Arc and good for America. ⁦⁦@jewishaction ⁩


Sheila Katz, CEO, NCJW:

Screenshot of a tweet from Sheila Katz, CEO at NCJW, that reads

Mazel tov to @AmySpitalnick, new CEO of @bend_thearc / @jewishaction!

Amy is a strategic leader who understands systemic injustices must be

met with long-term systemic change. She has been a powerful national

voice in the fight against white nationalism.



We love seeing how excited people are about Amy joining the Bend the Arc team. Now we want to hear from you. 


Use this easy form to share a question or greeting directly with Amy.


When you submit a question, it may be included in future emails or communications.


Thank you for being part of our movement and making Bend the Arc what we are today.


With gratitude,

The Bend the Arc team


P.S. To learn more about Amy, head to our site and check out our announcement video from last week.


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