
Thank you to everyone who attended my Summer Soirée last week! It was so nice to chat with all of you, and the event was a huge success. If you were not able to attend, I hope you’ll consider making a contribution to my campaign to help us reach our fundraising goal for the month. 


Donate here to help us hold on to HD 50A!

Senator Tina Smith Endorsement

I’m pleased to announce that Senator Tina Smith endorsed my re-election campaign! Minnesotans face challenges at all levels of government and having a strong partner in Washington gives me confidence in our ability to work together to solve our toughest issues. It’s an honor to work with advocates like Senator Smith to ensure our communities have sensible gun laws, a safe and healthy environment, affordable goods and services, and reproductive autonomy. 

Bloomington Pride

This weekend I stopped by Bloomington Pride! The event had a great turnout, and I was happy to gather with city residents to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community. Everybody deserves to live as their authentic selves. I’m a proud supporter of LGBTQ+ people and issues.
Door Knock with Dr. Alice Mann for Senate on September 3

It’s time to recommit to our mission to win the Minnesota House and Senate this November. We’re knocking doors every week to make sure we elect leaders who have our community’s best interests in mind. Sign up for our upcoming door knock in 50A right now!

I hope to see you there!

Together, we can do great things. 

Prepared and Paid for by the Campaign of Heather Edelson for MN House 

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Edelson For Edina · 4600 Drexel Ave · Edina, MN 55424-1132 · USA