John —

Minnesotans deserve to know where my opponent stands on Donald Trump. He’s a self-described Trump Election Lawyer and a dyed-in-the wool MAGA Republican.

Hundreds of Minnesotans have called on him to make it clear where he stands, but he refuses to answer.

Minnesota can’t afford to let someone take statewide office who is still pledging allegiance to Trump ahead of America. Please, chip in today to make sure our campaign can continue to fight back and win!

I’m looking forward to our first debate on August 28th at the State Fair, because Minnesotans will finally have their answer.

Under investigation for obstructing justice and violating the Espionage Act, we can’t allow Trump’s disciples to hold any elected office in Minnesota, especially not one like this.

I oversee nearly $60 billion of taxpayers funds, helping local communities to pursue local solutions – keeping our communities strong.

Help me stop him in his tracks by contributing today!

Thank you,



Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States