In Biden’s economy, your hard-earned dollar doesn’t stretch far.
That’s why Americans need to elect people who know how to balance a budget and return the extra.
In Georgia, Governor Brian Kemp knows how to make smart financial decisions.
At the local level, Kemp returned $1 BILLION to Georgia taxpayers, signed the LARGEST tax cut in Georgia history, and suspended the gas tax to relieve struggling Georgia families.
Brian Kemp understands that conservative solutions work, which is why I have given him my official endorsement.
When we help reelect Brian Kemp, we’re not only fighting for a conservative champion who is looking out for Georgians, we’re STOPPING radical liberal Stacey Abrams from taking charge.
Both of these things are so important. And with Stacey Abrams’ massive war chest, winning won’t be easy. That’s why I’m asking you to rush a donation to Brian Kemp’s campaign right away.