From Andrew Yang <[email protected]>
Subject This is a new phase of the campaign
Date December 14, 2019 1:03 AM
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[ Andrew ]Andrew Yang for President

Yang Gang --

This is a new phase of the campaign.

We are no longer a long shot, we are one of the top contenders.

That comes with higher expectations from everyone watching.  And the first
test is this $2 million goal that’s public on our website right now.  If
we fall short, it would send a bad sign to the establishment and media
that this campaign doesn’t have what it takes to be in it for the long

[ [link removed] ]If every single person reading this pitches in, we will hit our $2
million goal by Sunday.  I need you now, Yang Gang.  The only way to
hit this goal and win this campaign is to do it together.  Please pitch in

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation
will go through immediately:

[ [link removed] ]$10 »   [ [link removed] ]$25 »

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[ [link removed] ]$250 »   [ [link removed] ]OTHER »

Don’t forget what we’re fighting for here.

If you want to rewrite the rules of our economy to work for us, expand
healthcare to all, and build a wave of change that sweeps through
Washington, then now is the time to act.

[ [link removed] ]There are just two days left to hit our goal.  Pitch in and let’s make
it happen together.


We don't have corporate PACs or big donors who can
close the fundraising gap we face, just grassroots
donors like you powering this campaign. Please give

[ [link removed] ]Pitch IN

Paid for by Friends of Andrew Yang

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