"Daddy, don't worry. Don't get anxious. Everything's going to be OK. I'll see you after the operation."
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Children's Hospital Los Angeles eNews
From Transplanted to Transformed

From Transplanted to Transformed

What's the first thing Kairi did after getting her new liver and kidney? Eat chocolate, of course. And then go swimming. And then start on everything else her revived body had been denied for so long.

See her story


What a Difference a Day Makes

What a Difference a Day Makes

In just a few days, the tumor on Michelle's neck grew so quickly that she had trouble breathing. Surgery was not an option, since the tumor was wrapped around her windpipe. But a diagnosis revealed that Michelle was eligible for a specialized clinical trial only offered at a few sites in the US, including CHLA.

Read what happened


Pacifier Practice

Pacifier Practice

When Jayla was born, she had trouble sucking and swallowing—skills needed for feeding. An innovative new musical pacifier helped her develop those skills.

Tune in and learn more


Dreams Do Come True

Dreams Do Come True

A few years ago, we told the story of Devin, a high school freshman coming off open heart surgery. Her dream was to play Division I softball in college. We're pleased that her dream came true—next year she will play softball for Cornell University.

See her story


In Appreciation of Appreciated Securities

In Appreciation of Appreciated Securities

There are tax advantages to contributing appreciated securities—stocks, bonds and mutual funds—to Children's Hospital Los Angeles by Dec. 31.

First, any long-term appreciated securities held for at least one year with unrealized gains, and that have a current value greater than original cost, may be donated to CHLA. The donor will receive a tax deduction for the full fair market value of the securities—up to 30% of the donor's adjusted gross income.

Second, by donating securities rather than selling them and donating the proceeds, there will be no capital gains tax on the appreciated value.

It will take several days for your broker to process your transfer, so act now. To learn more, call us at 323-361-2308 or email tgreen@chla.usc.edu.

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