Dear Supporter,

Mike returned to Alexandria, Virginia, where – nearly a decade ago – he first launched his efforts to close dirty coal plants and move to clean, renewable energy.

Since that day, he’s more than made good on his commitment, helping to retire 299 out of 530 dirty coal plants and expanding his work to fight climate change even further.

Today, Mike unveiled his plan to propel the entire country toward a clean energy future, focusing on ambitious goals we can achieve by the end of the next decade.
Climate activists & leaders join Mike in front of a coal plant retired through the
Beyond Coal campaign.
He will slash U.S. emissions by 50% by 2030 and prioritize new investments in the communities that have powered our country and borne the brunt of poisoned air and toxic water for so long. He will end subsidies to fossil fuel companies, reinvest in research and development, and drive emissions from electricity down 80% by the end of his second term. And he will continue building out his agenda on jobs, health, and other key climate issues.
Mike strongly believes that we can make rapid progress on climate change. Why? Because he has the record of leadership to get it done.

He’s never been afraid to take on the toughest battles – against President Trump, or against the biggest special interests. He’s brought people together and built strong coalitions to take them on, and he’s won.

Trump has tried to drag us backward on climate change. Mike is ready to keep moving ahead.

Read more about Mike’s plan to combat climate change in his op-ed.

Team Bloomberg 2020

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