Recall proponents complained that they were not allowed to watch the signature verification process, after county officials said they were not required to allow observers since the petition drive did not qualify as an “election” under state law. ...
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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L.A. Claims 27% Error Rate in Gascon Recall Signatures; LESS THAN 1% Error Rate in Mail-in Ballots in 2020
Recall proponents complained that they were not allowed to watch the signature verification process, after county officials said they were not required to allow observers since the petition drive did not qualify as an “election” under state ...

New York Times cuts loose ‘Palestinian’ reporter after he is exposed as calling for murder of Israelis
If Fady Hanona hadn't been exposed by Honest Reporting, he would still be working for the New York Times. When has the Times had any trouble with jihad and Jew-hatred? These things would have made Fady Hanona fit right in among the Times reporters. ...

OH JOY! Liz Cheney looks set to lose Congress seat to Trump-backed rival
The vicious anti-Trump RINO Liz Cheney will lose her seat in Congress tonight. Cheney abandoned her constituents who overwhelmingly voted for President Trump. Cheney shamelessly used her seat in Congress to engage in an unhinged assault on ...

Fifth Largest Life Insurance Company Reports a “Catastrophic” 40% increase in deaths in 2021
Deaths are up 40% among working people. ‘Just unheard of’ the company cites “non-pandemic-related morbidity” and “unusual claims adjustments.” In other words, the vaccine.

Lincoln National Life Insurance Company’s ...

Former National Intelligence Director: ‘The past six years we have an FBI and DoJ that have literally become the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party’
Never before in American history have we seen corruption of this kind and on this scale. Even when the nation was hopelessly divided in the run-up to the Civil War, the government didn't become a tool for the persecution of the political opponents ...

Trump: ‘Terrible things are going to happen’ in the US after rogue, partisan FBI raid on his home
Can anyone honestly deny that what Trump says here is absolutely true? The Left is trying to trap patriots in a vicious circle: enrage them by treating Trump, the Jan. 6 protesters, and ultimately all conservatives as criminal ...

9,000+ Left Behind: America’s Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal Last Year Was Entirely Biden’s Fault
Joe Biden abandoned as many as 9,000 American citizens in Afghanistan following the administration’s botched withdrawal in August last year, a new report recently released by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee revealed.

“Even taking the ...

Report: Iran’s IRGC Was In Contact with Salman Rushdie Jihadi
Iran is dispatching assassins to murder people on American soil. All while the Biden Administration begs Iran's leaders to reenter the JCPOA, an agreement that will enable the terror state to manufacture nukes and fund more terrorism. It's an ...

US lawmakers visit Taiwan in unannounced trip on the heels of Nancy Pelosi uproar
For years, the Democrats (and many RINOS) did nothing to deter China while it pillaged the United States. And they fought President Trump for imposing tariffs on China to protect American industry. Now they fly to Taiwan for photo ops ahead of the ...

RACISM: Minnesota Public Schools Changes Rules To LAYOFF WHITE TEACHERS FIRST
This is straight up racism. Not to mention the continued deterioration of the education your children are getting. Flee government schools.

So much for white privilege. ABC: An agreement struck between a Minneapolis teachers union and ...

Islamic terror groups applaud Jerusalem slaughter, urge more ‘heroic operations’
Without this hatred of the other and most especially the Jew, these Islamic groups would cease to exist.

It doesn't get anymore evil and heinous than the image above. Call your member of Congress and demand that all aid to the Palestinian ...

Photos, Videos: More Pictures and Videos from Huge ‘End the FBI’ Rallies Across the Country
The Democrats have declared war on America.

WOW! Thousands of patriots showing their support for President Trump on Long Island.

The FBI made a big mistake.

— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) August 14, 2022 ...

Record high number of GOP voters want Trump to run in 2024 after FBI raid: Poll
The most popular Republican's (DeSantis, Pompeo, Noem, MTG, Cotton et all) should all publicly endorse President Trump right after the mid-term elections. Show a unified front so that the RINO's who want to run for POTUS are deflated and ...
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