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ZOA: Eighteen Organizations Send Letter (Drafted by ZOA) Urging Pres. Biden to Deny Visa to Iranian Pres. & Mass-Murderer Ayatollah Ebrahim Raisi 

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:

Eighteen organizations sent a letter drafted by ZOA to U.S. President Joe Biden today, urging President Biden to deny an entry visa to Iranian President Ayatollah Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi and Raisi’s delegation, in the interest of national security. Raisi is subject to U.S. sanctions, and is a human rights violator who was a member of Iran’s notorious “death committees” which ordered the killing of thousands of Iranians. The full letter is reprinted below and can also be read here

The letter details pressing national security concerns, including Iran’s recent threat to activate a nuclear weapons program and use nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) “to turn New York into ruins and hell” and to “turn the West and Israel's nightmare into a reality”; Iran’s pursuit of assassination plots against U.S. residents and officials in New York and elsewhere in the U.S.; and Iran’s use of diplomats to carry out terror attacks.

The letter also sets forth precedents for denying visas, and explains that the UN Headquarters agreement was signed subject to U.S. law – a U.S. authorizing resolution which includes a national security reservation.

The eighteen organizations signing the letter are: The Zionist Organization of America; Americans Against Antisemitism; Americans for a Safe Israel; Americans for Peace & Tolerance; American Friends of Ateret Cohanim; AMIT; Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV); Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN); Emunah; Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET); Hadassah: The Women’s Zionist Organization of America; Iranian-Americans for Liberty; One Israel Fund; Pen & Shield Ltd.; Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC); StopAntisemitism.Org; Students Supporting Israel (SSI); and The Lawfare Project.

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In Case You Missed It...

You can find information on more of President Biden's appointments HERE.

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Founded in 1897, ZOA played a key role in the Jewish State's re-establishment. Today, ZOA is the leading major American Jewish organization courageously defending Israel and the Jewish people; fighting against all forms of antisemitism, including anti-Jewish boycotts; and promoting the Jewish people's lawful right to live in and settle historic Jewish lands. ZOA exposes that a Palestinian state would endanger Israel's existence; presents the facts about the Arab/Islamic war against Israel; and combats the anti-Israel lie that Israel is an "occupier" of her own land. ZOA spearheaded long battles to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, and apply civil rights protections to Jewish students. ZOA provides free legal assistance and programs to pro-Israel students at numerous college campuses. ZOA's bold, unapologetic voice has a significant impact on public discourse and policy.


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