We did it! 

Moments ago, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 into law, effectively making the largest investment in climate action in U.S. history that will result in one billion metric tons of annual emissions reductions by 2030.

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is a game changer and I speak for the Fresh Energy team when I say we're excited about what this bill will mean for all American households as well as our country's decarbonization goals.
So let's talk about it! Join me tomorrow (Wednesday) at 10 a.m. Central when Fresh Energy's Anjali Bains, Jo Olson, and I will dig into how the IRA got where it is today.
We will also discuss a few of the good and bad elements of the bill, its implications for equity and justice, and, of course, what's next for Fresh Energy and advocates around the country. Register here and join us! Everyone who registers will get a link to the recording after the event.
Thank members of the Minnesota delegation who voted in favor of the IRA! Fresh Energy applauds Minnesota Senators Tina Smith and Amy Klobuchar who both played crucial roles in finding consensus in their party and getting the IRA over the finish line in the Senate. We are also celebrating Minnesota Representatives Angie Craig, Betty McCollum, Dean Phillips, and Ilhan Omar, who voted in favor of the bill in the House. Join me in sending them a quick note of thanks.


Michael Noble 
Executive Director

P.S. Want more details before sending your letter? Check out our recent blog post digging into some of the key policies in the bill.

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