
Bureaucrats of Permanent Washington, aka Merrick Garland and Chris Wray, raided President Trump’s residence based on ever-changing claims. It’s clear to everyone paying attention, this was an act of intimidation and another example of how Biden, his cronies, and those who ultimately serve The Swamp, will stop at nothing to continue their war against our America-First President. 

Falsifying charges and then having them amplified by an obedient media is an act we’ve seen before. And just like before, we MUST FIGHT BACK because the throne of lies these attacks are based upon will surely fall apart, just like the charges of “Russian Collusion” they so dutifully shouted at us!

Biden and the deeply embedded Leftists in our government have used their powers all along to ceaselessly attack. We have to end this abuse of power because it is the true threat to our nation, the rule of law, and a blind justice system that shouldn't be corruptible and used to target political opponents.
The FBI has much more important things to do than fulfill Biden’s political vendetta. They should be going after multi-national criminal gangs who are flooding our streets with deadly fentanyl rather than staging pre-dawn raids of Mar-a-Lago. Putting a stop to these egregious abuses means one thing - we have to beat them and make sure the real criminals are held accountable!

Beth proudly served in President Trump’s America First Administration. We must get back to that kind of leadership for our nation. To do that, we must win, win big, and help President Trump in his fight against The Swamp. If you agree, stand with us TODAY and rush in your support to stand with President Trump and Beth against these abuses!
Putting America First, 
Team Van Duyne